'Abbey of Thelema' Oil on board

'Edutilos' Photograph-cellophane dress with acrylic paint, tennis ball necklace, plant crown.
The most important research for me has been going to occult bookshops and looking through old books with photographs of occult rituals. I bought some tarot cards and began learning how to use them with all of the different meanings which immersed me into the subject area. Film has also been particularly influential to me particularly The Holy Mountain in its surreal nature. Throughout the year I have explored the processes of etching and film photography whilst also looking at installations. These are processes and mediums which I had not explored before and allowed me to expand my options for outcomes. I also explored film and using premiere pro which made it possible for me to make and edit a short film during the time of isolation.
I had planned to make a larger installation for my final project in my studio space, however due to the current situation this was not possible and therefore I decided to make temporary installations around the garden and photograph them. I used only objects that I had made or objects from around the house to make costumes and sets. My ideas had developed from starting with the occult and magic into fantasy and escapism that is connected with creating different personas.

'Nagual' Oil on canvas

'Ankh' Monoprint on paper

'Augury' Oil on canvas
Due to the challenges of the current situation and the lack of materials and facilities it has made me be more economical with materials and to think more creatively about the possibilities of materials. I can see my work developing into using objects for what they are not typically used for. I also enjoyed how theatrical the work was that I ended up making and therefore I think I would like to look more into set and costumes but what particularly interested me was the ephemerality of the work. Through the course I have learnt to be spontaneous with creating and use whatever is readily available to me.

'Ssendam' Photograph-Bin bag and wire dress, feather neckpiece

'Seid' Oil on board

'Occult' Etching One, Etching on paper

'Occult' Etching Two, Etching on paper

'Occult' Etching Three, Etching on paper

'Abbey of Thelema' Oil on board

'Edutilos' Photograph-cellophane dress with acrylic paint, tennis ball necklace, plant crown.
The most important research for me has been going to occult bookshops and looking through old books with photographs of occult rituals. I bought some tarot cards and began learning how to use them with all of the different meanings which immersed me into the subject area. Film has also been particularly influential to me particularly The Holy Mountain in its surreal nature. Throughout the year I have explored the processes of etching and film photography whilst also looking at installations. These are processes and mediums which I had not explored before and allowed me to expand my options for outcomes. I also explored film and using premiere pro which made it possible for me to make and edit a short film during the time of isolation.
I had planned to make a larger installation for my final project in my studio space, however due to the current situation this was not possible and therefore I decided to make temporary installations around the garden and photograph them. I used only objects that I had made or objects from around the house to make costumes and sets. My ideas had developed from starting with the occult and magic into fantasy and escapism that is connected with creating different personas.

'Nagual' Oil on canvas

'Ankh' Monoprint on paper

'Augury' Oil on canvas
Due to the challenges of the current situation and the lack of materials and facilities it has made me be more economical with materials and to think more creatively about the possibilities of materials. I can see my work developing into using objects for what they are not typically used for. I also enjoyed how theatrical the work was that I ended up making and therefore I think I would like to look more into set and costumes but what particularly interested me was the ephemerality of the work. Through the course I have learnt to be spontaneous with creating and use whatever is readily available to me.

'Ssendam' Photograph-Bin bag and wire dress, feather neckpiece

'Seid' Oil on board

'Occult' Etching One, Etching on paper

'Occult' Etching Two, Etching on paper

'Occult' Etching Three, Etching on paper