‘Forbidden Love’ Arcylic, oil and ink on canvas
My project ‘Life Through the Brush’ has been an autobiographical exploration, exercised through my own artistic process. I have both consciously and unconsciously delved into my deepest selves, drawing on emotional and prolific times in my life - using my experience of life and life within relationships. The work has given me more of an insight to who I am, and what it means for me, to be myself within society, hopefully allowing others to do the same.
I explore the relationships with the men and women of my life. And as a gay man how these people have both harmed me and held me, in many manifestations. Drawing on these deeply personal experiences and reflections - as well as my first-person narrative - I express an upmost sense of honesty hopefully allowing an instant connection between myself and the viewer, therefore my work and the viewer.

‘The Blood was on My Hands’ Acrylic and oil on canvas
Working with a practical process which allows my unconscious thoughts and feelings to streamline through the brush, quickly and instantaneously, I allow the project title, ‘Life Through the Brush’, to be unified and congruent to the works I have created. I hope the works develop their own reality within the world, as ones’ own reality is present within life, all equally individual for ourselves. We share our lives and experiences with others and I think it important for me to reflect on these moments to understand and resolve myself within society, whilst resolving the work itself.

‘The Absence of You’ Acrylic, ink and oil on canvas
I aim to continue my practice, discovering more about myself and the world, through my work. My artistic journey is young and I hope my work and my practice will continue to mature together with my own self, alongside that of the evolution of society within the world of which we live; continuing my practice till death.

‘Love’ Oil on cartridge

‘For us together’ Oil on cartridge

‘Forbidden Love’ Arcylic, oil and ink on canvas
My project ‘Life Through the Brush’ has been an autobiographical exploration, exercised through my own artistic process. I have both consciously and unconsciously delved into my deepest selves, drawing on emotional and prolific times in my life - using my experience of life and life within relationships. The work has given me more of an insight to who I am, and what it means for me, to be myself within society, hopefully allowing others to do the same.
I explore the relationships with the men and women of my life. And as a gay man how these people have both harmed me and held me, in many manifestations. Drawing on these deeply personal experiences and reflections - as well as my first-person narrative - I express an upmost sense of honesty hopefully allowing an instant connection between myself and the viewer, therefore my work and the viewer.

‘The Blood was on My Hands’ Acrylic and oil on canvas
Working with a practical process which allows my unconscious thoughts and feelings to streamline through the brush, quickly and instantaneously, I allow the project title, ‘Life Through the Brush’, to be unified and congruent to the works I have created. I hope the works develop their own reality within the world, as ones’ own reality is present within life, all equally individual for ourselves. We share our lives and experiences with others and I think it important for me to reflect on these moments to understand and resolve myself within society, whilst resolving the work itself.

‘The Absence of You’ Acrylic, ink and oil on canvas
I aim to continue my practice, discovering more about myself and the world, through my work. My artistic journey is young and I hope my work and my practice will continue to mature together with my own self, alongside that of the evolution of society within the world of which we live; continuing my practice till death.

‘Love’ Oil on cartridge

‘For us together’ Oil on cartridge